Article on new paediatric hospitals
Bulletin des médecins suisses
New children's hospitals will open in Zurich, Lausanne, Saint-Gall, Chur, Lucerne and Geneva in the next few years. They follow a new paradigm: making children feel comfortable and integrating their families as therapy partners. I have looked at projects in Lausanne and Geneva for the Bulletin des médecins suisses
Article on medfluencers
Bulletin des médecins suisses
Medical influencers active on Tiktok, Instagram or Youtube, explain diseases, talk about treatments, and report on the daily life as a doctor or a nurse. Most deliver serious content, others are less thorough. I have written about these “medfluencers” for the Bulletin des médecins suisses.
Article on peer review
How do scientists perform PeerReview, this essential cog in the workings of science? Here are the insights of three researchers that I have gathered for Horizons, the magazine of the SNSF Swiss National Science Foundation and the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences.
Articles online
Horizons – Bulletin des médecins suisses – Universitas
More examples
A selection of older texts and articles.
"Für die Pharmabranche beginnt ein neues Zeitalter" – Joe Jimenez, CEO Novartis (Swissquote, 2011)
"Nous demeurons dans l’ombre" – Peter Pauli, CEO Meyer-Burger (Swissquote, 2010)
"Wir können die Natur von der Wirtschaft nicht trennen" – Inger Andersen, director IUCN (Horizonte, 2019)
Der Physiker, der alles voraussagen will – Didier Sornette, physicist and investor (Horizonte, 2019)
20 entreprises familiales qui font le Nord vaudois (PME Magazine, 2012)
La science du bonheur (Reflex, 2012)
High frequency trading: Millionengewinne in Millisekunden (Swissquote, 2012)
Séquençage ADN: la course au génôme est lancée (Swissquote 2010)
The murky costs of nuclear power (Reflex, 2011)
Médecine chinoise: bataille pour un marché juteux (L’hebdo, 2012)
Alzheimer-diabète: l’enjeu qui fait saliver Nestlé (L’Hebdo, 2013)
Informatique bancaire: développer ses systèmes à l'interne ou outsourcer? (Private Banking, 2009)